
Posts Tagged ‘Fireweed mead’

Mead #50: Maam’s Mead

11-17-2012:  Fireweed Show Mead

This mead is in honor of my grandmother, Maam, who died on this date. I decided on Fireweed Honey because fireweeds are the first plants to grow after a volcanic eruption, symbolizing hope and resurrection. Also, fireweed honey is the “Cadillac” of honey. One of my favorite memories of my Maamie is riding in the deep leather bucket seats in her big ol’ Cadillac. That, and she always had Big Red gum. Also, she was bling before there was bling. Gaudy does not adequately describe the glitter and gleam with which she lived her life. Her clothes, her house, and everything in her life was decorated to the hilt. Therefore, I intend to make all the bottles glitter fully in her honor. This is for two gallons so I can share with the family.

  • 6 1/2 C Fireweed honey
  • 1 t acid blend
  • 2 t each nutrient & energizer
  • Lalvin K1-V1116

I made two gallons.  The OG is 1.090.

11/28/12: Happy Birthday, Mom. It is still fermenting. The color is lightening already.

12/1/12: I attached the airlock.

12/15/12: Racked off primary. The SG is 1.048, pH is 3.2.  Added 1/4 t meta, 1/8 t tannin, 1/2 t each nutrient & energizer.  Topped off with a fair bit of water.

01.10.13: Still fizzing, but not vigorously.

2.16.13: Still bubbling, but just barely.

3.23.16: Racked and STABILIZED with 1/2 t meta and 1 1/2 t potassium sorbate. SWEETENED with fireweed honey to SG 1.015 (about 1C honey).

5.15.13: It appears to be halfway clarified. You can see the line coming down the bottle as it “falls bright.”

6.9.13: BOTTLING DAY. It isn’t bright and clear, but I’m moving at the end of the month and have to bottle now. I filtered it to make sure it is as clear as possible and as stable as possible. The FG is 1.012, pH is 3.2, and ABV is 12%. It has a very full mouthfeel and is tangy. It almost tastes like it is fizzing on your tongue, but it isn’t. Light and yummy. Bottled 7@750 ml and 6@375 ml. I painted the bottles red and will glue glitter, rhinestones, and sequins on them for Maam.

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